Coast-to-Coast Container Service

A new international container program has been created to expedite European transatlantic shipments to West Coast consumer markets. Historically these shipments followed a path from Europe - Gulf Coast - Panama Canal and up to the ports at Los Angeles, Oakland and Seattle. Due to vessel delays and berthing issues at the West Coast ports, Union Pacific is working collaboratively with ocean carriers to route the shipments through East Coast ports to continue the journey by rail across the United States to the West Coast.

How it Works

  • Norfolk Southern rail service between Norfolk, Virginia and Chicago, Illinois.
  • Union Pacific rail service between Chicago and West Coast points including Seattle, Oakland and Los Angeles.

Ship Transit Details

  • Hapag Lloyd - Reliable connection between the Mediterranean and the U.S. West Coast.

Union Pacific Rail Transit Details

  To Seattle To Oakland To Los Angeles (Yusen Terminals)
From Chicago 6 days 6 days 6 days

Gross Weight Limits

  • 20’: 52,900 lbs
  • 40’: 67,200 lbs

Cargo Pick-up Details

For import containers which are destined to Oakland, all customers must clear cargo either at the port of discharge or at the Union Pacific Railroad ramp in Oakland. Clearance of cargo entails providing OBL, freight payment and customs clearance. All cargo MUST be picked up within 48 hours, to avoid ramp congestion which could lead to volume metering and/or embargoes by the railroad. 

Get Started with the Coast-to-Coast Container Service

To get started with the new program, please contact: