Union Pacific Prepared to Maintain Critical Infrastructure

Union Pacific is critical to the nation’s ability to respond to the pandemic. We are critical infrastructure to interstate commerce that serves businesses and municipalities throughout this country. We transport food, chemicals that clean our water supply, medical supplies, and basic essentials along with consumables. Our ability to serve the public will in large measure affect the nation's ability to meet the challenges and quickly recover from this unprecedented event.

To minimize the impact of COVID-19 on its employees, Union Pacific has already taken certain actions and plans on taking more.

Actions Taken

Union Pacific maintains internal and external COVID-19 websites, providing employees and their families extensive information regarding COVID-19, the company’s policies and actions, and any other relevant information. Additionally:

  • Lance Fritz, Union Pacific’s chairman, president and CEO, is co-chairing the Business Roundtable CEO COVID-19 Task Force. This national effort provides Union Pacific unparalleled information and resources to the latest information provided by the federal government and U.S. business leaders.
  • Union Pacific maintains a relationship with the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC), providing us access to doctors and staff at the National Biocontainment Center. These doctors are on retainer for consultation purposes.
  • Union Pacific developed a Pandemic Response Protocol with assistance from UNMC. A Pandemic Planning team, comprised of health and safety professionals, has been activated as part of the protocol. Working closely with government agencies and public health organizations, this team is collecting, analyzing and developing responses to the most current information while thoroughly evaluating next steps.
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) information is available by speaking with employees’ manager, who are stocking this material.