Union Pacific Facial Covering Policy

  • In High Community Level locations, Union Pacific requires all employees and contractors, regardless of vaccination status, to wear appropriate facial coverings or masks while working indoors in public spaces, company vehicles, and locomotives across UP’s system. Employees should monitor their local community level by frequently checking this CDC map.
  • In Medium or Low Community Level locations, employees with high-risk conditions or who have contact with people with high-risk conditions should talk to their health care provider about whether they need to wear a mask or take other precautions.
  • Please refer to the CDC's Guide for Masks to determine the appropriate facial covering.

Policy Exceptions:

  • Employees in High Community Level locations may remove their facial covering during meal breaks or otherwise when actively eating and/or drinking. Social distancing of 6 feet or more must be maintained.
  • Where facial coverings will cause a safety hazard. Under such circumstances, employees and field supervisors should work together to mitigate the safety risks associated with wearing the facial covering while performing those work functions while reducing the potential risk of COVID-19 exposure.