MatchUP Frequently Asked Questions

What type of equipment is granted via the MatchUP program?
The MatchUP program consists of 40 ft. ocean carrier containers. This equipment is a mix of high cube and standard cube containers. To identify if a box is high cube or standard, you can check now

Are the boxes mounted on wheels at the origin Union Pacific ramp?
Yes, boxes are mounted on wheels and ready for pickup, just like EMP and UMAX containers.

Are the boxes mounted on wheels at the destination Union Pacific ramp?
Yes, boxes are mounted on wheels and ready for pickup, just like EMP and UMAX containers. However, boxes shipped to Portland/Seattle will not be mounted to wheels. For MatchUP shipments to Portland/Seattle, IMCs will have to have their dray providers secure their own chassis (either private or from a pool provider like TRAC). Likewise IMCs / dray providers will have to pay $50 for a flip / lift at UP Brooklyn to have their box mounted to their chassis.

Are boxes granted with generic reservations like EMP/UMAX?
All reservation requests will be submitted via Blume Global. With regards to generic reservations, this is one area where MatchUP differs from EMP/UMAX. The MatchUP program grants asset specific reservations. This means at the time of your reservation you’re given a specific container number for your booking. We manage the MatchUP program very closely, which is why reservations are box specific. If a driver tries to outgate a container that is not listed on their reservation, they will be rejected.

Do I need a gate reservation for MatchUP? If so, who is responsible for submitting the Intermodal Terminal Reservation (ITR)?
Yes, MatchUP domestic ISO shipments do require a gate reservation. The IMC or motor carrier is responsible for requesting the gate reservation via Union Pacific's ITR system (user ID and password required) similar to other Union Pacific domestic shipments.

Are there interline shipments?
No. Only the lanes listed below are available for the MatchUP program at this time.

Are street interchanges allowed?
Yes. We are currently working with Blume and the Ocean Carriers to support street interchanges for the MatchUP program. Please speak with Union Pacific prior to starting street interchanges to ensure Blume is ready.

Is capacity committed like the MCP programs?
Not at this time, however we work with our ocean carrier partners to ensure capacity is stable. Please communicate any large bid wins to your sales rep so that Union Pacific can ensure capacity is available.

Is there daily box per diem?
Daily per diem for a MatchUP unit is $15/day and that covers both box and chassis usage. This is billed by Blume Global. The per diem charges do not escalate in this program. The origin clock starts at the time of empty outgate and stops at loaded ingated. The destination clock starts at van notify and stops at empty termination. This is based on day of week, not 24 hours like EMP/UMAX is. Example: Box outgates empty Tuesday at 11:00 a.m. Returns to the ramp with billing loaded on Thursday at 8:00 a.m. Per diem would be for three days totaling $45 in per diem charges.

There is no daily destination per diem for shipments to Portland/Seattle due to the fact chassis are not provided. Dray providers / IMCs must secure their own chassis for MatchUP shipments to Portland/Seattle.

Is the BCO information required?
Yes, just like with EMP/UMAX you must list the BCO information in the BCO waybill fields.

Are there maximum weight limits?
This program targets freight that is not excessively heavy. At this time, we only allow shipments with a gross weight less than 60,000 lbs. However if opportunities arise with heavier shipments, please contact your assigned sales representative.

Does the IMC or drayage provider pay for chassis usage?
Chassis charges for both origin and destination street time are billed directly to the ocean carrier. Union Pacific then passes on the per diem to the ocean carrier to cover their box and chassis costs. It’s imperative that the ocean carrier is listed as the consignee on the waybill; this ensures boxes are mounted to the correct chassis and ensures shipments rate correctly. If the dray provider receives a chassis usage bill from a pool provider, please have your dray provider dispute the charge with the chassis pool provider, stating that the shipment was part of MatchUP and the ocean carrier should receive the chassis usage bill. If they decline the dispute, please contact Union Pacific for resolution.

For MatchUP shipments to Portland/Seattle, IMCs must secure their own chassis and pay for a flip.

Where can I find the rail linehaul rates for each lane?
SCQ 60649. If you don’t have access, please contact your sales representative.

What rate document do I reference in my billing?
SCQ 60649

If I have an error on my MatchUP waybill, how do I correct it? Example, depicts IMC as consignee instead of ocean carrier.
Most billing changes can be made prior to ingate at a Union Pacific intermodal terminal using our Bill of Lading application (user ID and password required). Select the correct Bill of Lading on the screen and choose Correct/Cancel Bill. Enter the shipment information which will find the waybill, edit as needed and save. If changes cannot be made or issues arise, please email us for assistance. 

Who pays the ICTF gate fee and ACTA fee if I ship to ICTF?
The send freight (IMC) is responsible for paying the ICTF gate fee and ACTA fee for all shipments to ICTF. Likewise the linehaul is also paid for by the IMC (no ocean carrier billing like in some domestic reload programs).

Who pays for storage at the UP terminal if a box isn’t picked up with the allotted free time?
The send freight (IMC) is responsible for clearing storage prior to pick up if applicable. All domestic ISO shipments are subject to 24 hour free time

Can document SCQ 60649 be used for non-MatchUP shipments?
No. Only shipments that are part of MatchUP can reference document SCQ 60649. Any shipments that reference SCQ 60649 and are not part of the MatchUP program will be re-rated to SCQ 46133.001.

Are the linehaul rates the same if there are multiple ocean carriers in a specific lane?
Yes, if there are multiple ocean carriers supplying boxes in a lane the linehaul rates are the same.

What do I do if I show up and my box or chassis is bad order?
If the chassis has a minor issue, take it to roadability for repair (light out, missing glad hand, etc). If the container has a defect that the shipper will not accept (hole in the floor, missing door gasket, etc.) leave that box at the ramp; do not use the box or that reservation number. The IMC can contact Blume and request a new reservation; that reservation will have a new box number for the dray provider to pull. Be sure to use the new container and new reservation number. By doing this you won’t incur a dry run as you can get a replacement within minutes.

Be sure to email Union Pacific (or to notify them that the box was not useable and was bad order (include information as to what was wrong with the unit). Union Pacific will waive the cancellation (no charge) and remove the bad order box from the MatchUP program.

Where can I find termination instructions?
Please reference, Blume Global Policies and Procedures for current termination instructions. Terminations instructions are also available when requesting reservations; likewise all terminations should be non-splits (meaning both box and chassis are dropped).

What is the process for reporting empty termination on the U.S. West Coast?
You must email with the box number, termination date and termination location. This will close out the MatchUP cycle.